Gyömbérgyökér – Geum – Censation™ Apricot Pearl

Árnyasabb helyeket kedvelő évelő virág, májusban virágzik.
Dézsában és a kertben is nevelehtő.
30-50 cm magasra nő, szépen dúsan virágzik.
Tőosztással szaporítható, a magjai sterilek.

2 650 Ft



Biztonságos bankkártyás fizetés
Ingyenes szállítás 35 000 Ft rendelés felett
Geum ‘Apricot Pearl’ (Censation™ Series) is a beautiful mound-forming perennial. It is semi-evergreen to evergreen, with mid- to dark green leaves that are toothed and softly hairy. However, it’s really for the flowers that we grow this delightful plant. In late spring and early summer, slender stems carry masses of bowl-shaped, semi-double, pink-flushed, pale apricot flowers. They are unique, and really catch the eye. Incidentally, the blooms are sterile, which means that the flowering time is extended, and they do not need to be dead-headed!
Being a fairly low-grower, Geum Censation™ ‘Apricot Pearl’ (more commonly known as Avens) should be grown towards the front of a flower bed or border. Or it performs equally well in patio pots and containers.
Geum ‘Apricot Pearl’ is a recently introduced variety within the hugely popular Censation™ series, grown for their reliability, and new colour ranges. These are all robust plants, and very easy to grow.

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